Flat-Ruthie Works as Farm Hand
By Kim S Teeple
After all her traveling, Flat-Ruthie found she was short on moolah and decided to take a job as a farm-hand at Red RoosterAcres in Crestline, Ohio. Farm-hand work doesn’t pay a whole lot, but when you’re a paper doll, you take what you can get. Flat-Ruthie’s first day was a little harrowing. She was nearly smothered by oversized pillows while waiting for her first assignment. Samson, the farm dog, rescued her, carrying her gently between his incisors and handing her over graciously to Mrs. Teeple when asked.
Here is the BEFORE
And the AFTERFlat-Ruthie’s first assignment was to organize and inventory the gardening storage area. She did an excellent job, sweeping up the cob-webs, throwing out broken pots, and keeping a meticulous log of what types of seeds were saved from last season. Mrs. Teeple was exceptionally pleased with Flat-Ruthie’s work and suggested Flat-Ruthie take a nice rest until her next assignment was ready. Flat-Ruthie decided she would be safer hanging out on the computer desk instead of the sofa.
Here is Flat Ruthie cleaning the planters for planting. Each year the starter planters for the tomatoes and peppers are cleansed with a mild bleach solution before the planting can begin. Flat Ruthie was up to her neck in the pots!
Thanks Kim. Tomorrow the chicks and then the piglets.
Flat Ruthie as a Farmhand on the Farm at Red Rooster Acres is a great adventure.